

129、H. Guo, Q. Liu, C. Wang*, Striving to disclose the electrochemical processes of organic batteries. Acc. Chem. Res. 2025, Accepted. (Invited)

128、Q. Xu, M. Xu, S. Tang, S. Yuan, M. Xu*, W. Zhang, X. Li, Z. Wang, X. Miao*, C. Wang, M. Wuttig*, Machine Learning for Recognition of Phase-Change Chalcogenide Glasses, InfoMat 2025, 10.1002/inf2.70006.


127、X. Mai#, Q. Xu#, Z. Yang#, H. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Shen, H. Hu, M. Xu, Z. Wang, H. Tong, C. Wang*, X. Miao, M. Xu*, Sb-Se-based electrical switching device with fast transition speed and minimized performance degradation due to stable mid-gap states. Electron 2025, 3, e46. (Invited Article)


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